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Austria Austria Lower Austria

« Lower Austria » is contributing to the ONE in FIVE Campaign - a pan-European campaign coordinated by the Council of Europe « Partner city »

Lower Austria

The province of "Lower Austria" is one of 9 provinces of the Republic of Austria. Austria ratified the Council of Europe`s Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse ("Lanzarote Convention") on February, 25th, 2011 and it entered into Force on June 1st, 2011. Due to the fact that the protection of children has a special role in the area of responsibility of the member of the provincial government, Mr. Karl Wilfing, Lower Austria supports many institutions such as hospitals and their "Kinderschutzgruppen" (experts from different professions who work together in the hospitals to identify violence committed against a child), "Frauenhäuser" and work closely together with organisations as "die moewe" or "Selbstlaut" (those organisations work preventive and through interventions with persons concerned and their families). Legislative has set up laws as the "Gewaltschutzgesetz" and the "Sicherheitspolizeigesetz" against domestic violence (entered in force in 1997, upgraded in 2009 and extended on public child care facilities in 2013). In 2008 Lower Austria founded the "Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention" as a platform for all organisations and institutions that deal with prevention/intervention of violence as well as for all groups of persons concerned with violence or persons who need to be informed on that topic.

ELDW citizens participation activity

Awareness-raising and educational materials : Who can help in cases of violence against children and young people?

Local/Regional authorities
No of inhabitants
1615000 inhabitants