Moldavie Moldavie CREATORII


« CREATORII » contribue aux dimensions locale et régionale de la campagne UN sur CINQ - une campagne paneuropéenne coordonnée par le Conseil de l’Europe

CREATORII is a non-governmental organization that has the main aim to offer development opportunities for young people, especially from rural and deprived areas, with fewer possibilities. The organization creates youth exchanges, training courses and seminars for young people aged from 16 to 30 years, active leaders of the society, volunteers or any other people interested in personal development. Also it creates video spots, documentary movies, banners and organization of photo galleries, flash-mobs, and other social events for the development of creativity, practical and theoretical skills of the young people. Our main aim is to be actively involved in solving most painful problems in our ...

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CREATORII is a non-governmental organization that has the main aim to offer development opportunities for young people, especially from rural and deprived areas, with fewer possibilities. The organization creates youth exchanges, training courses and seminars for young people aged from 16 to 30 years, active leaders of the society, volunteers or any other people interested in personal development. Also it creates video spots, documentary movies, banners and organization of photo galleries, flash-mobs, and other social events for the development of creativity, practical and theoretical skills of the young people. Our main aim is to be actively involved in solving most painful problems in our society.

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