« MUNICIPALITY OF SAMOS » is contributing to the ONE in FIVE Campaign - a pan-European campaign coordinated by the Council of Europe

The Municipality of Samos, a small island Municipality, has been facing and continues to face the challenges related to his geographical location. At the borders of the EU, Samos is at the same time the border of two continents, Europe and Asia, exactly where the oriental civilization meets the western civilization. The island took many from the former and gave much to the latter. From the antiquity this place developed the mathematical thought, the pioneering technology, the astronomical research and of course the didactic creative myth-making. All these are interlinked and in logical sequence because the mathematical-philosophical thought of Pythagoras constituted the basis of the pioneering ...

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The Municipality of Samos, a small island Municipality, has been facing and continues to face the challenges related to his geographical location. At the borders of the EU, Samos is at the same time the border of two continents, Europe and Asia, exactly where the oriental civilization meets the western civilization. The island took many from the former and gave much to the latter. From the antiquity this place developed the mathematical thought, the pioneering technology, the astronomical research and of course the didactic creative myth-making. All these are interlinked and in logical sequence because the mathematical-philosophical thought of Pythagoras constituted the basis of the pioneering technology of Eupalinos and the astronomical research of Aristarchus and started from the didactic logic of Aesop and the cosmologue myth-maker Pherekydis. The astronomical research in its turn created a new myth-making that led to the new mathematical thought and a new creative technology, thus establishing a new perpetual cycle. The myth-making teaches the self-knowledge and reflection, the mathematical thought teaches harmony and music, the pioneering technology teaches inspiration and creation and the astronomical research teaches respect to the harmony of the spheres and the music of the Universe and at the same time stirs the imagination, creates inexplicable things and myths, that if permanent become reality. This perpetual creative cycle is linked to the bridges connecting East and West not only in with the past but with the present as well.
Samos is steadily seeking to put forward its historical cultural background, its significant geopolitical location, the rich environment, the natural beauty and plant diversity, its artistic and entrepreneurial potential and, based on these factors, to realize a vivid cultural dialogue with the entire Europe so that its inhabitants would be engrafted with a vision of island’s tomorrow and realize that by collective action and self-awareness they may communicate their multiple layer message to each European neighborhood and to each Samian family, to each citizen of the world. Towards this direction the Municipality of Samos has proceeded with a series of actions aiming to involve all the citizens in this permanent and fertile dialogue, erxtrovertness, engrafting of European values of humanism,diversity, respect of human rights and protection of children's rights.
The Municipality has prioritized and coordinated its work around 2 main pillars, 1) educational training and Community Development Programs and 2) Protect children from sexual violence and abuse, thereby raising awareness of its extent.

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Local/Regional authorities
No of inhabitants
33000 inhabitants