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République tchèque République tchèque The Municipality of the capital city Prague

« The Municipality of the capital city Prague » contribue aux dimensions locale et régionale de la campagne UN sur CINQ - une campagne paneuropéenne coordonnée par le Conseil de l’Europe « Collectivité partenaire »

The Municipality of the capital city Prague

The Capital City of Prague is a metropolis that is comparable to other European cities. This significantly cultural, social, educational and institutional centre of the Czech Republic also provides major challenges in the form of socially undesirable phenomena. Despite the fact that in the last few years under the previous Crime Prevention Policy of the City of Prague the number of crimes has been successfully annually reduced, it is necessary to continue this trend and strengthen the level of cooperation of all subjects involved at the City of Prague level, at the Prague 1 - 22 Municipal Districts level, as well as at the national level, since many criminogenic factors exceed the region, and the capacity of the City of Prague to influence these factors. The City of Prague has been creating conditions for high quality, efficient and consistent implementation of preventive activities, especially by offering support for activities that ensure a balanced approach to this issue. Each year the City of Prague releases from its budget, funds for crime prevention programmes to help solve problems related to the provision of safety and to increase the sense of security in citizens and visitors to Prague. The cooperation of the general public plays an important part in implementing crime prevention measures. The role of the citizens and visitors to Prague is irreplaceable, especially in preventing property crime.

Collectivités territoriales
Image du partenaire
Nb d'habitants
1247434 habitants